Public Interest Organization
“International Business People Club”

The current business networking platform in Ukraine

What is our organization?

A public organization which brings together entrepreneurs, businessmen, private investors and anyone interested in large-scale business projects that require significant investment and competent teams.

Experience in conducting seminars

Management training

More than 10 years of running events

More than 200 meetings were held

Want to become a partner?
Let's get in touch and discuss!

Our results


Years of experience

Experience in conducting seminars, trainings, business events


Networking events

Of different formats: (brainstorms, webinars, offline and online conferences, etc.)


Club members

Who share their experience, resources and skills

Our directions

Since 2015, the company LLC ``West-East Consulting`` has launched a new direction of activity - the project implementation of innovative technologies, dealing with the development of polymer construction and road construction materials of the new generation. The company has a number of world-class developments: sulfur asphalt concrete, sulfur concrete, high-strength composite materials
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Recycling of industrial waste into ecological polymer building materials of new generation Nano-asphalt® and Nano-concrete®;

Industrial waste recycling;

Creation of ecological polymeric building materials from sulfur polymers;

Establishment of plants for the production of sulfur-polymer materials Nano Liner®;

Research and engineering activities.

PIO International Business People Club

The current business networking platform in Ukraine

Organization of business events

Cooperation with UN

Supplying of products according to UN humanitarian programs


ILYSA RAZOM – партнер Міжнародної гуманітарної місії Save Ukraine

ILYSA RAZOM – це обʼєднання людей, які надають допомогу постраждалим від російсько-української війни по всій Україні. Це недержавна, неприбуткова організація, в основі роботи якої лежить реалізація благодійної […]

Зустріч з Головою Сумської ОДА

30 грудня 2021 року представники West-East Group  провели Нараду із представниками Сумської обласної державної адміністрації. На зустрі були присутні: Від Сумської Областної державної адміністрації (СОДА): Голова СОДА   […]

Застріч із Головою Бучанської районної державної адміністрації Ляшенко М.М.

28 грудня 2021 року за підсумками Форуму «Громадські інціативи з розвитку територіальних громад Бучанського району», який відбувся 16 грудня, Голова ради директорів West-East Group – Юрій Андросюк […]

International Business People Club (networking and organization of events)

“International Business People Club” – is a public interest organization that brings together entrepreneurs, businessmen, private investors and everyone who is interested in large-scale business projects in Ukraine. This is a promising opportunity of big investments in innovative startups, as well as productive cooperation with teams of experts. We are engaged in networking and organization of events of various scales.

Our achievements:

  • Experience in conducting seminars, trainings, business events – more than 10 years
  • Organization of more than 200 events (webinars, brainstorms, offline and online conferences).
  • More than 4,000 club members.

The organization of networking is one of the main directions of our activity, our aim is to unite like-minded people, because together we have a chance to improve life in Ukraine and bring our favorite country to a new level. Today, the organization of events in the business sphere provides an opportunity to launch innovative developments of Ukrainian scientists and engineers from different cities.

The club is part of the West-East Group, which is engaged in scientific and technical development and implementation of innovative technologies. The company works actively towards the development of new generation polymer and road construction materials. Today the company’s assets include a number of world-class developments: sulfur asphalt concrete, sulfur concrete, high-strength composite materials. Such innovations will significantly improve the quality of roads and improve the environmental situation in the country and the world.

The West-East Group also implemented more than 40 contracts with the United Nations total amount of which is about $ 4 million. For large investors, this is a great opportunity to participate in interesting and potentially profitable projects on a global scale. We are creating our common business culture in Ukraine and invite you to join our team.

Do you want to become our partner and join the International Business People Club? Contact us or leave a request on our website, and we will be able to discuss in detail all aspects of cooperation.

Ukraine, Kyiv,
Obolonska naberezhna st. 15, section 1, ap. 11

Phone: +38 067 533 49 09